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Ring the Wedding Bells... She's Engaged!

Editor’s Note: I originally wrote this post 48 hours after I got proposed to on October 29. Instead of editing it, I wanted to show the raw, vulnerable emotions as I processed the whirlwind of the weekend. Enjoy. xx

It's 2:23am and I'm laying in bed sobbing for the first time this weekend.

I'm engaged.

I'm actually engaged. To the literal love of my life.

And although the weekend didn't go as I always imagined it, which was not being on my period, or being able to find a white dress, and feeling gross and bloated and disgusting, it actually went exactly as planned with feeling joyous and beautiful and loved. So loved. 

A slice of perfection, if you will. Surrounded by my closest family and friends with the most stunning rooftop views, in the prettiest champagne dress that fell ever so elegantly. 

With the most beautiful diamond ring that twinkled in the moonlight, with the most incredible man I ever have known. 

What a weekend.

I'm still wrapping my head around how I finally get to be with my person. It's been 7 years of courting, waiting and pruning, and growing to prepare for marriage. And that time is so near I can taste it. The most beautiful new beginning. And the thought of that, how close we finally are to the rest of our lives, makes me sob into my covers even harder.

I only have a few more hours before I'm thrown back into the world of deadlines and social media so I'm grateful to have these quiet moments to just relish in the beauty of this moment. Of this new season.

I’m a fiancée.