Frequently Asked Questions



WHAT DO YOU DO in your corporate life?

For my corporate job, I work in marketing at an investment firm. It’s always fun being the creative in the corporate world, and I really like the design autonomy and freedom I have. On the side, I work on this blog. Sometimes it can get a little hectic because my weeks are dedicated to work and my weekends to the blog (ie. writing, shoots, events) but I genuinely love them both and am excited to see where each of them take me.

what do you blog about?

Corporate Queendom is a lifestyle blog for the girl who loves her work heels and her weekends. It’s a platform that highlights and celebrates the duality of loving your career and other passions and how that balance can look however you want it to. For me, it’s a bit of both. We also talk about how adulting is v hard (and also give tips on how to get through it).


It’s easy! Scroll down and put your email in and subscribe or click this link. All my CQ Girls get access to my weekly newsletters where I dish out the tea on my life, and other fun and exclusive things!

how old are you?

I’m 23! I started this blog right out of college when I was 22, so still a youngin’ lol. Everyone tells me that I look like I’m 15 though, so that’s great too.

How come you only post instagram stories on the weekends?

Balancing my work life & the CQ can get pretty tough, sometimes. Storying only on the weekends allows me to bring you better content since I’m actually out and about (vs me just at home doing nothing). You also know exactly where to find me! (Unless, I have something important going on during week, then I’ll definitely pop in).

how did you come up with the name for your blog?

When I got my first internship in college, my friends started calling me “Corporate Mami” and “Corporate Queen” as a joke, and it kinda stuck lol. When I created this blog after college, I wanted to talk about my adventures in the corporate world as well as the other mountains I’d be facing as an adult. Thus, Corporate Queendom was born. Side note - I sign off all my blog posts differently based on the topic of the post.

where is your name from?

My name is Mandu and pronounced like Mon-due. It’s Nigerian and means “that she may live”. It comes from the Bible verse John 10:10, when Jesus says “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.”